th / 0 20 30 09 v 1 5 M ar 2 00 2 QUASI FREE 238 U ( e , e ′ f ) - CROSS SECTION IN MACROSCOPIC - MICROSCOPIC APPROACH
We present the result of a theoretical study of inclusive quasi free electrofission of 238U. The off-shell cross sections for the quasi free reaction stage have been calculated within the Plane Wave Impulse Approximation (PWIA), using a Macroscopic -Microscopic description of the proton and neutron single particle momentum distributions. Electron wave function distortion corrections were included using the effective momentum approximation, and the Final State Interaction (FSI) effects were calculated using an optical potential. The fissility for the proton single hole excited states of the residual nucleus 237Pa was calculated both without and with contributions of the preequilibrium emission of the particles. The fissility for 237,238U residual nuclei was calculated within the compound nucleus model. The (e, ef)−cross sections thus obtained were compared with available experimental data. Typeset using REVTEX 1
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : n uc l - th / 0 20 20 55 v 1 1 8 Fe b 20 02 QUASI FREE ELECTROFISSION of 238 U
We present the result of a theoretical study of the quasi free electrofission of 238U. The exclusive differential cross sections for the quasi free scattering reaction stage have been calculated in PWIA, using a Macroscopic-Microscopic approach for the description of the proton bound states. The nuclear shape was parametrized in terms of cassinian ovaloids. The equilibrium deformation parameter...
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The Oklo data constrain the depth of the nuclear potential well to a small margin of error, determined by various unknowns, such as the reactor temperature. However, we show that even these small variations could allow the U-238 half-life to vary by more than one order of magnitude.
متن کاملar X iv : m at h - ph / 0 30 50 09 v 1 5 M ay 2 00 3 Semiclassical Asymptotics for the Maxwell - Dirac System
We study the coupled system of Maxwell and Dirac equations from a semiclassical point of view. A rigorous nonlinear WKB-analysis, locally in time, for solutions of (critical) order O(√ ε) is performed, where the small semiclassical parameter ε denotes the microscopic/macroscopic scale ratio.
متن کاملar X iv : n uc l - th / 0 30 70 07 v 1 1 J ul 2 00 3 The Oklo Constraints on Alpha - Decay Half - Lives
The Oklo data constrain the depth of the nuclear potential well to a small margin of error, determined by various unknowns, such as the reactor temperature. However, we show that even these small variations could allow the U-238 half-life to vary by more than one order of magnitude.
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